














Guest Edited Journal


Alfredo Serpell and S V Barai 2007

Special Issue on:  Construction IT in the emerging economies, Journal of Information Technology in Construction – ITcon (ISSN 1400-6429,, Vol.12.


Edited Volumes


Sudhirkumar Barai (Associate Editor *) 2007

Proceedings of the 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bhanu Prasad (Editor), CD-ROM (*Along with other associate editors), ISBN 0-9727412-2-4 (*Along with other associate editors)


Sudhirkumar Barai (Associate Editor *) 2005

Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bhanu Prasad (Editor), CD-ROM (*Along with other associate editors), ISBN 0-9727412-1-6 (*Along with other associate editors)


Sudhirkumar Barai (Associate Editor *) 2003

Proceedings of the 1st Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bhanu Prasad (Editor), CD-ROM ISBN 0-9727412-0-8 (*Along with other associate editors)


Continuing Education Lecture Notes Volume


Sudhirkumar Barai and K Sudhakar Reddy 2006

Soft Computing Tools in Civil Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur, India


Ashok Kumar Gupta and Sudhirkumar Barai 2005

Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plan, IIT, Kharagpur, India


Sudhirkumar Barai and K Sudhakar Reddy 2003

Soft Computing Tools in Civil Engineering ,  IIT, Kharagpur, India.


D Nagesh Kumar and Sudhirkumar Barai 2000

Advanced IT Applications to Civil Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur, India.


Chapter Contributions in Special Publications


D Srikanth  and S V Barai  2010

Structural Optimization using Harmony Search Algorithm in  Advances in Soft Computing,  Springer (in press)


Priyanka Thamma and S V Barai 2009

Prediction of Compressive Strength of Cement Using Gene Expression Programming, Applications of Soft

Computing - From Theory to Praxis, Jörn Mehnen, Mario Köppen,  Ashraf Saad, Ashutosh Tiwari (Eds.) Springer ISBN 978-3-540-89618-0, pp: 203-212


Ravi Thanvi, D Chakraborty, S V Barai 2009

Foreign exchange rate prediction using artificial neural networks, Forecasting financial markets in India, R P Pradhan (Editor), Allied Publisher, ISBN 978-81-8424-426-7, pp: 112-116


S V Barai, A K Gupta, and Jayachandar Kodali 2008

Air Quality Forecaster: Moving Window Based Neuro Models Applications of Soft Computing: Updating the State of the Art, Erel Avineri, Mario Köppen, Keshav Dahal, Yos Sunitiyoso, Rajkumar Roy (Eds.) Springer ISBN 978-3-540-88078-3 pp: 137-148.


S V Barai, A K Dikshit,  and Sameer Sharma 2007

Neural Network Models for Air Quality Prediction: A Comparative Study, Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, ASC 39, A. Saad, E. Avineri (Eds.), Springer pp. 290–305, 2007


S V Barai 2007

Fuzzy Logic Applications in Civil Engineering Management Problems, Chakraborty, D, Nanda S and Dutta Majumder, D., (Eds.) Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Technology and Management, Narosa Publishing House, ISBN 978-81-7319-733-8


S V Barai and Piyush Agrawal 2006

Parallel Neuro Classifier for Weld Defect Classification,  Abraham, A.; Baets, B.d.; Köppen, M.; Nickolay, B. (Eds.)  Applied Soft Computing Technologies: The Challenge of Complexity, Springer 2006,  ISBN: 3-540-31649-3


Sudhirkumar Barai 2006

Neural Networks Applications in Earthquake Engineering: Some Case Studies, Chapter 47 in Training Handbook for Faculty of State Resource Institutions (Coordinators – S K Nath and N Dhang), National Programme for Capacity Building of Engineers in Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBEERM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, published by IIT Kharagpur.


Sudhirkumar Barai 2006

Instance Based Learning Models for Liquefaction Potential Assessment, Chapter 48 in Training Handbook for Faculty of State Resource Institutions (Coordinators – S K Nath and N Dhang), National Programme for Capacity Building of Engineers in Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBEERM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, published by IIT Kharagpur.


Barai S V 2005

Neural Networks Application to Structural Identification: An Overview,  K S Jagadish and R N Iyengar (Eds.): Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Universities Press,  Hyderabad, pp: 225-260, ISBN 81 7371 493 2


Sanjay Singh and S V Barai 2004

Earthquake Engineering Problems In Parallel Neuro Environment,  Luc Bougé, Viktor K. Prasanna (Eds.): High Performance Computing - HiPC 2004, 11th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 19-22, 2004, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3296 Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-24129-9


Papers in Journals (Published/In Press)


Kumar  S. and Barai S V 2009

Neural networks modeling of shear strength of SFRC corbels without stirrups. Applied Soft Computing Journal doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2009.06.012.


S V Barai 2006

Material Behaviour Modelling using Machine Learning Model, Divisional Journal – Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers (IEI), Vol. 87, November, pp:59-66.


R. Rajarao Dharmacherla and S V Barai 2005

Structural Optimization using Cellular Automata, International Journal of Lateral Computing, Vol. 2, No. 1, December 2005, ISSN 0973-208X, pp-14-21.


A K Dikshit, S V Barai  and Sameer Sharma 2005

A study on air quality prediction: An opportunistic Neuro-Ensemble Approach, Journal of Environmental Systems Vol. 30, No. 3, pp:17-31.


P Sriram and S V Barai 2005

Weld Defect Classification using Wavelet Neural Networks, International Journal of Lateral Computing,  Vol. 1, No.1, May 2005, pp:15-22, ISSN: 0973-208X


Deepesh Yadav and Barai S V 2005

Fuzzy Inference Driven Internet Based Bridge Management System, Transport, Vol. XX, No.1, pp:37-44.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 2004

Knowledge Based Expert System Approach for Instrumentation Selection Assistant, Transport, Vol. XIX, No. 4, pp: 171-176.


S V Barai and Rajeev S Nair 2004

Neuro-fuzzy Models for Constructability Analysis, Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), Vol. 9, pp. 65-73,, ISSN 1400-6529, (2004)


Barai S V  2003

Data Mining Applications in Transportation Engineering, Transport, Vol. XVIII, No. 5, pp:216-223.


Barai S V 2003

Machine Learning Classifier for Seismic Liquefaction Potential Evaluation, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, . (ISSN 1089-3032)


Sharma S, Dikshit A K and Barai S V 2003

Studies on Neural Networks Based Air Quality Predictors, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 19, No.5, pp. 442-453, 2003.


Barai S V and Agarwal G. 2002

Studies on Instance Based Learning Models for Liquefaction Potential Assessment,  Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, (ISSN 1089-3032)


Yoram Reich and Barai S V 2000

A methodology for building neural networks models from empirical engineering data, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp: 685-694


Barai S V 2000

Fuzzy Inference Based Procedure for Visual Inspection of Steel Railway Bridges, IRC Journal, Vol. 61, No. 3, November, 2000, pp:525-545


Barai S V and Pandey P C 2000

Integration of Damage Assessment Paradigms of Steel Bridges On a Blackboard Architecture, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp: 193-207.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1999

Bridge Structural Performance Evaluation using Neural Networks, IRC Journal, Vol. 60, No. 3, November, pp:459-488.


Barai S V and Yoram Reich 1999

Ensemble Modeling or Selecting the Best Model: Many Could Be Better Than One, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), Vol. 13, No. 5, pp:377-386.


Yoram Reich and Barai S V 1999

Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Engineering Problems, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp:257-272.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1997

Time-Delay Neural Networks in Damage Detection of Railway Bridges, Advances in Software Engineering including Computing Systems in Engineering, Vol. 28, pp:1-10.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1995

Performance of Generalized Delta Rule in Artificial Neural Networks For Structural Damage Detection, Engineering Applications in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.8, No. 2, pp:211-221.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1995

Vibration Signature Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal Of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp:259-265.


Pandey P C and Barai S V 1995

Multilayer Perceptron in Damage Detection of Bridge Structures, Computers and Structures, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp:597-607.


Pandey P C and Barai S V 1994

Sensitivity-Based Weighted-Average in Structural Damage Assessment, Journal of Performance of Constructed facilities, ASCE, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp:243-263.


Pandey P C and Barai S V 1994

Nonlinear Analysis of Plates Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Structural Engineering (India), April, pp:65-78.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1994

Inexact Inference Using Petri Nets in Structural Damage Assessment, Journal of Information and Science and Technology - An International Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp:217-231.


Papers in Conferences/Symposia (Published/Accepted)


Priyanka Thamma and S V Barai 2008

Prediction of Compressive Strength of Cement Using Gene Expression Programming, WSC 2008 Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Online Conference on the Internet, Website, World Federation of Soft Computing (WFSC)


Thanvi, R, Chakraborty D. and Barai S V 2008 

Foreign Exchange Rate Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks, National Conference on Forecasting Financial Markets in India FFMI 2008), IIT Kharagpur, VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur (CD-ROM)


Tarun Bhambra and S V Barai 2007

Automation in Site Management: A Qualitative Approach, Proceedings of International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction 2007, pp:481-486 (Best Paper Award)


Deepak Pushpakar and S. V. Barai 2007

Fuzzy Logic Based Bridge Management System For Handheld Devices, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, (CD-ROM) ISBN-1-4244-1152-1


S V Barai, A K Dikshit, Sameer  Sharma 2007

Self-Organizing Feature Map Model for Air Quality Prediction, Proceedings of 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CDROM)


S V Barai, A K Gupta and Jayachandar Kodali 2007

Air Quality Forecaster: Moving Window Based Neuro Models, 12th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC11), to be held on the World Wide Web during October 16- October 26, 2007,


Chandan Mishra and S V Barai 2007

Development of Neural Networks Model for Predicting the Properties of Concrete Mix, International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges held at Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India during 11-14th January, 2007  (CDROM)


Tarun Bhambra and S V Barai 2007

Conceptual Framework for Qualitative Construction Site Assessment System, International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges held at Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India during 11-14th January, 2007 (CDROM)


Tarun Bhambra and S V Barai 2006

Qualitative Construction Site Assessment System (QCSAS) Using Information Communication Technology (ICT),  Sixth Asia Pacific ABC Conference held at IIM Ahemedabad during December 14-16, 2006 (Abstract Volume).


S V Barai, A K Dikshit,  and Sameer Sharma 2006

Neural Network Models for Air Quality Prediction: A Comparative Study, 11th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC11), to be held on the World Wide Web during September 18- October 6, 2006,


R. Rajarao Dharmacherla and S V Barai 2005

Structural Optimization using Cellular Automata, Proceedings of Second World Congress on Lateral Computing, held at Bangalore  during December 16-18, 2005, ISSN 0973-208X


S V Barai 2005

Parallel Neuro Models for Structural Engineering Problems, Proceedings of Structural Engineering Convention, J M Chandra Kishen and D Roy (Editors), held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during 14-16, December 2005. (Invited Paper), pp: 199-208.


Atul Narayan and S V Barai 2005

Parallel Genetic Algorithms For Structural Optimization, Proceedings of 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bhanu Prasad (Editor), held at Pune during 20-22, December 2005, pp:1863-1882.


Jayachandar Kodali,  A.K.Gupta and S V Barai 2005

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Based Ozone Forecast Using Moving Window Modelling, Proceedings of 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bhanu Prasad (Editor), held at Pune during 20-22, December 2005, pp:987-1003.


Shubhadeep Roy and S V Barai 2004

Management of Bridges using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Proceedings of International Conference on Construction, Environment & Manufacturing Systems ICCEMS 2004 (Editors D K Mishra and P N Ramachandran), held at Bhubaneswar, during December 22-24, 2004, pp:40-47, Allied Publisher, ISBN 81-7764-727-X


P Sriram and S V Barai 2004

Weld Defect Classification using Wavelet Neural Networks, Proceedings of First World Congress on Lateral Computing,  held at Bangalore  during December 17-19, 2004, (CDROM). - (Best Paper Award)


S V Barai and Piyush Agrawal 2004

Parallel Neuro Classifier for Weld Defect Classification, 9th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, September 20th - October 08th, 2004, On the World Wide Web, <>


S V Barai 2004

Lateral Computing in Civil Engineering Management Problems, Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Burla held on September 12, 2004, pp: 2-6.


Mitesh Popat and S V Barai 2004

Defect Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Classifier, Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Non Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2004), held at Montreal, Canada, August 30-September 3, 2004. (CDROM)


Barai S V 2004

Fuzzy Logic Application in Civil Engineering Management Problems,  An ISFUMIP National Conference On Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Technology and Management FLATeM – 2004, held at Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur,  May 21– 22, 2004, Abstract Volume, pp: 55-57.


Deepesh Yadav and S V Barai 2003

Prototype development of internet based fuzzy inference driven bridge management system, Structural Engineering Convention - An International Meet (SEC 2003), held at IIT Kharagpur, India December 12-14, 2003, pp:601-608.


S V Barai and Gaurav Agarwal 2003

Hybrid learning model for liquefaction potential assessment, Special session on - Soft Computing Tools in Civil Engineering, First Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-03), held at Hyderabad, India December 18-20, 2003. (CD-ROM Proceedings)


Sanjay Singh and S V Barai 2003

Material Behaviour Modelling using Parallel Neuro Simulator on PARAM 10000, Proceedings of All India Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Structural Mechanics and Composites (ETSMC-2003), held at Rourkela, November 1-2, 2003, pp: 207-217.  


Sanjeev Kumar Bose and S V Barai 2003

Development of Internet based Structural Health Monitoring Environment, Proceedings of All India Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Structural Mechanics and Composites (ETSMC-2003), held at Rourkela, November 1-2, 2003, pp: 199-206.  


Barai S V 2003

Probabilistic neural networks model for weld defect classification, Proceedings of Seminar on Advance in Welding Technology (Weld Tech 2003) held on March 14-15, 2003 at IIT Kharagpur, India, pp: 94-102.


Barai S V and Nair Rajeev S 2003

Comparative Studies on Machine Learning Models for Constructability Analysis, International Workshop and Conference on Construction Management and Materials (CONMAT 2003), held on January 9-11, 2003 at IIT Kharagpur, India, pp: 371-380 (Also appeared in CD-ROM)


Barai S V and Reich Yoram 2002

Weld Classification in Radiographic Images:  Data Mining Approach, National Seminar on Non-destructive Evaluation, NDE 2002, December 5-7, 2002, held at Chennai, (CD-ROM Proceedings)


Sharma S, Dikshit A K and Barai S V 2002

Neuro-ensemble for Air Quality Predictors. WEDC 2002, Proceedings of the 28th WEDC Conference held on November 18-22, 2002 at Kolkata, India.


Barai S V 2002

Emerging Trends of Data Mining in Transportation Engineering: An Overview, ROTRAN 2002, National Seminar on Road Transportation in Indian: Emerging Trends and Techniques, September, 2002, held at Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India, Vol. 2, pp: 7.21-7.32


Barai S V 2002

Machine Learning Model for Material Behavior Modeling, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering - ACE 2002, held at Kharagpur during 3-5 January, 2002, and organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, pp: 1256-1264 (Also appeared in CD-ROM)


Barai S V and Yoram Reich 2001

Data Mining of Experimental Data: Neural Networks Approach, 2nd International Conference on Theoretical, Applied Computational and Experimental Mechanics ICTACEM 2001, held during 27-30 December 2001, and organized by Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, (CD-ROM)


Barai S V and Nair Rajeev S 2001

Building NeuroFuzzy Model for Constructability Analysis, Proceedings of EASEC-8 - The Eighth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction EASEC-8, held at Singapore during 5-7 December, 2001, and organized by School of Civil and Structural Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (CD-ROM).


Barai S V 2001

Seismic Liquefaction Potential Evaluation Using Machine Learning Classifier, International Conference on Civil Engineering, held at Bangalore during 23-25 July, 2001, and organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, pp: 980-987


Yoram Reich and Barai S V 1998

Creating Better Models of Marine Propeller Behavior Data with Neural Networks, Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Optimization for Marine Applications, held at Haus Rissen, Humburg, Germany on 23-25 September, 1998


Barai S V and Yoram Reich 1998

Experience with 'Engineering Data' in Neural Networks Modeling, Proc. of the 27th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, May 19-20, 1998, Technion city, Haifa, Israel, pp:424-426.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1995

Trained Artificial Neural Networks for Damage Detection in Steel Railway Bridges, Proc. of IABSE Colloquium – Bergamo, Italy 1995, pp:297-300


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1994

Artificial Neural Networks in Design of Structural Elements, Proc. of National Symposium on Structural Mechanics, NSSM-94, held at Bangalore, pp:91-96


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1993

Inexact Inference Using Petri Nets in Structural Damage Assessment, Proc. of International Computing Congress, ICC-93, Tata McGraw Hill, pp:223-235 (Best Paper Award)


Pandey P C, Joshi, S.P. and Barai S V 1993

Finite Element Advisory System Phase I [ A Knowledge Based Approach ], Proc. of All India Seminar on Personal Computers Applications in Civil Engineering, organized by, Institution of Engineers (India), Nagpur center, pp: 63-71.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1992

Numerical Evaluation of Interval Based And Fuzzy Functions : In the Context of Expert System Development, Proc. of Indian Computing Congress, ICC-92, Tata McGraw Hill, pp:309-322.


Barai S V and Pandey P C 1992

Integration of Expert Opinion In Structural Damage Assessment, Proc. of Indian Computing Congress, ICC-92, Tata McGraw Hill, pp: 323- 331.


Pandey P C and Barai S V 1990

A Knowledge Based System For Structural Design Using Generic Standards Processor, Proc. Of International Conference on Structural Testing, Analysis and Design, ICSTAD-90, Tata McGraw Hill, pp:886-892.


Pandey P C and Barai S V 1989

An Expert System Approach For Structural Design Environment, Proc. of 4th Indian Engineering Congress, IEC-89, Institution of Engineers (India).


Net Release


Barai S V 2000

Neural Networks Application to Damage Detection: A Bibliography


Lecture Notes in Lecture Note Volume


Barai Sudhirkumar 2007

QIP-STC on Logic and Applications of Logic – October 8-12, 2007, IIT Kharagpur

Topic: Fuzzy Logic Approach for Decision Making in Engineering Management Domain


Barai Sudhirkumar 2007

A Short-term Course on Seismic Reliability and Life Assessment of Structures – March 12-16, 2007, IIT Kharagpur Topic: Neural Networks Applications in Structural Reliability Problems: An Overview


Barai Sudhirkumar 2007

Short Term Training Workshop on Fuzzy Set Theory Application In Civil and Environmental Engineering, January 8-13, 2007, SVNIT, Surat

Topic: Damage Assessment of Railway Bridges:  Fuzzy Logic Based Procedure 


Barai Sudhirkumar 2006

QIP-STC on Advanced Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, November 20-25, 2006, IIT Kharagpur Topic: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Application in Environmental Engineering: An Overview


Barai Sudhirkumar 2006

QIP-STC on Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, November 13-19, 2006, IIT Kharagpur, 

Topics: (a) Damage Assessment of Railway Steel Bridges: Fuzzy Logic Approach (b) Artificial Neural Networks: An Introduction (c) Neural Networks Applications in Structural Engineering (d) Parallel Implementation of Neuro Models for Structural Engineering Problems (e) Examples of Data Mining in Transportation Engineering (f) Instance Based Learning Models for Liquefaction Potential Assessment.


Barai Sudhirkumar 2006

A Short Term Course on Seismic Behaviour, Analysis and Design of Tall Structures, November 5-10, 2006, IIT Kharagpur

Topic: Soft Computing Tools for Analysis of Tall Structural Systems


Barai Sudhirkumar 2005

QIP-STC on Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plan – November 14-19, 2006, IIT Kharagpur

Topics: (a) Air Quality Prediction using Neural Networks (b) Data mining in Environmental Engineering


Barai Sudhirkumar 2005

NPCBEERM, 2005  - Training of Faculty Members of State Resource Institutes under the National Programme for Capacity Building of Engineers in Earthquake Risk Management – A Ministry of Home Affairs (DM) Endeavor, March 7- April 15, 2005, IIT Kharagpur

Topics: (a) Structural Failures under Earthquake: Some Case Studies  (b) Neural Networks Applications in Earthquake Engineering: Some Case Studies  (c) Instance Based Learning Models for Liquefaction Potential Assessment.


Barai Sudhirkumar 2003

QIP - Short Term Course on Soft Computing Tools in Civil Engineering, November 10-16, 2003, IIT Kharagpur

Topics: (a) Artificial Neural Networks: An Introduction  (b) Case Studies of Neural Networks Examples in Structural Engineering (c) Damage Assessment of Railway Steel Bridges: Fuzzy Logic Approach (d) Examples of Data Mining in Transportation Engineering (e) Instance Based Learning Models for Liquefaction Potential Assessment


Barai Sudhirkumar 2002

AICTE/ISTE Training Course on Applications of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in Civil Engineering (ANFICE), October 7-19, 2002, Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering,  Burla (Orissa)

Topics: (a) Case Studies of Neural Networks Applications in Structural Engineering (b) Damage Assessment of Bridges: Fuzzy Logic Approach


Barai Sudhirkumar 2002

AICTE Short Term Course on Advanced Road Infrastructure Planning and Development,  July 17-23, 2002, IIT Kharagpur 

Topic:  Mobile Computers for Transportation Engineering Application


Barai Sudhirkumar 2000

QIP - Short Term Course on Advanced IT Applications to Civil Engineering, December 4-15, 2000, IIT Kharagpur

Topics: (a) Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Based Expert Systems - An Introduction (b) Instrumentation Selection Assistant - A Knowledge Based System Approach  (c) Fuzzy Logic Based Procedure for Damage Assessment of Bridges (d) Neural Networks - An Introduction (e) ANN Applications to Structural Engineering

(f) Wearable Computers and Their Applications


Barai S V 1999

AICTE/ISTE - Short Term Course on Random Vibration and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, December 21-31, 1999, IIT Kharagpur

Topic: The Soft Computing Tool - Neural Networks: An Introduction and its Applications to Earthquake Engineering


Project Reports


S V Barai 1995

Artificial Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence Paradigms in Damage Assessment of Steel Railway Bridges, Ph D Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India


Publication Citations


·          Neural Computing For Structural Mechanics by B.H.V. Topping & A. Bahreininejad, Saxe-Coburg Publications: 1997: ISBN 1-874672-02-4


© 2010 Sudhirkumar Barai